This file contains the Content Model Work Styles data associated with each O*NET-SOC occupation. It is displayed in 14 tab delimited fields and identified using the column names provided above. Item rating level metadata is provided in columns named N, Standard Error, Lower CI Bound, Upper CI Bound, Recommend Suppress, Date, and Domain Source. Refer to Appendix 2, Item Rating Level Statistics - Incumbent for additional information on these items. The 14 fields are represented by one row. There are a total of 14,064 rows of data in this file.
File Structure Changes:
Release Number
Description of Change
Added as a new file
Columns added for N, Standard Error, Lower CI Bound, Upper CI Bound, and Recommend Suppress
6.0 - 28.1
No structure changes
Standard Error, Lower CI Bound, Upper CI Bound expanded from 2 decimal places to 4