Task Statements

Purpose:Provide a mapping of O*NET-SOC codes (occupations) to tasks associated with the occupation.
Structure and Description:
ColumnTypeColumn Content
O*NET-SOC CodeCharacter(10)O*NET-SOC Code (see Occupation Data)
TitleCharacter Varying(150)O*NET-SOC Title (see Occupation Data)
Task IDInteger(8)Identifies each task
TaskCharacter Varying(1000)Task statement associated with an occupation
Task TypeCharacter Varying(12)Core or Supplemental
Incumbents RespondingInteger(4)Number of incumbents providing task information

This file contains the tasks associated with each O*NET-SOC occupation.

The “Task Type” column identifies two categories of tasks:

  • Core — tasks that are critical to the occupation. The criteria for these tasks are (a) relevance ≥ 67% and (b) a mean importance rating of ≥ 3.0.
  • Supplemental — tasks that are less relevant and/or important to the occupation. Two sets of tasks are included in this category: (a) tasks rated ≥ 67% on relevance but < 3.0 on importance, and (b) tasks rated < 67% on relevance, regardless of mean importance.

The file is displayed in 8 tab delimited fields with the columns named O*NET-SOC Code, Title, Task ID, Task, Task Type, Incumbents Responding, Date, and Domain Source. The 8 fields are represented by one row. There are a total of 18,796 rows of data in this file.

For more information, see:

File Structure Changes:
Release NumberDescription of Change
13.0Added as a new file
14.0 - 29.2No structure changes

Data Example - Task Statements:
O*NET-SOC CodeTitleTask IDTaskTask TypeIncumbents RespondingDateDomain Source
17-2112.01Human Factors Engineers and Ergonomists16393Collect data through direct observation of work activities or witnessing the conduct of tests.Core2008/2024Occupational Expert
17-2112.01Human Factors Engineers and Ergonomists16378Conduct interviews or surveys of users or customers to collect information on topics, such as requirements, needs, fatigue, ergonomics, or interfaces.Core2008/2024Occupational Expert
17-2112.01Human Factors Engineers and Ergonomists16396Advocate for end users in collaboration with other professionals, including engineers, designers, managers, or customers.Core2008/2024Occupational Expert
17-2112.01Human Factors Engineers and Ergonomists16387Inspect work sites to identify physical hazards.Core2008/2024Occupational Expert
17-2112.01Human Factors Engineers and Ergonomists16381Prepare reports or presentations summarizing results or conclusions of human factors engineering or ergonomics activities, such as testing, investigation, or validation.Core2008/2024Occupational Expert
17-2112.01Human Factors Engineers and Ergonomists16379Recommend workplace changes to improve health and safety, using knowledge of potentially harmful factors, such as heavy loads or repetitive motions.Core2008/2024Occupational Expert
17-2112.01Human Factors Engineers and Ergonomists16383Perform functional, task, or anthropometric analysis, using tools, such as checklists, surveys, videotaping, or force measurement.Core2008/2024Occupational Expert