O*NET® Interest Profiler™
The O*NET Interest Profiler (IP) is a family of self-assessment career exploration tools that can help clients discover the type of work activities and occupations that they would like and find exciting. Clients identify and learn about broad interest areas most relevant to themselves. They can use their interest results to explore the world of work.
The O*NET Interest Profiler measures six types of occupational interests:
- Realistic
- Investigative
- Artistic
- Social
- Enterprising
- Conventional
Features | O*NET IP Short Form 60 questions |
O*NET Mini-IP 30 questions |
Web-based version |
English, Spanish
Paper-and-pencil version |
Designed for mobile applications |
Develop customized versions |
- Compatible with Holland's R-I-A-S-E-C Interest Structure (Holland, 1985)
- rich and extensive research history
- widely accepted and used by counselors
- easy to use and well received by clients
- Interest items represent a broad variety of occupations and complexity levels
- Extensive and thorough development effort
- client input during all stages
- construct validity and reliability evidence
- Can be self-administered and self-interpreted
- Can be used on a stand-alone basis or with other O*NET Career Exploration Tools or with privately developed instruments
- Results can be directly linked to over 900 occupations in O*NET OnLine, My Next Move, My Next Move for Veterans, and Mi Próximo Paso
- Completion time approximately 10-30 minutes, depending on format
- For an overview of development and use information see: O*NET® Interest Profiler Manual
For information on previously available formats of the O*NET Interest Profiler, see: Reports and Documents — Career Exploration Tools — Interests.
A web-based version of the O*NET Interest Profiler Short Form, a vocational interest assessment, is available to customers free-of-charge via My Next Move. Users receive an accurate, reliable profile of their vocational interests that:
- helps them identify their work-related interests,
- focuses career search activities, and
- enables them to link their vocational interests to O*NET-SOC occupations.
Take the Web-based
Interest Profiler now
For more information about the Interest Profiler Short Form, see the reports:
- O*NET Interest Profiler Short Form Psychometric Characteristics: Summary
- Linking Client Assessment Profiles to O*NET® Occupational Profiles Within the O*NET Interest Profiler Short Form and Mini Interest Profiler (Mini-IP)
- Examining the Efficacy of Emoji Anchors for the O*NET Interest Profiler Short Form
- O*NET Interest Profiler Short Form Paper-and-Pencil Version: Evaluation of Self-Scoring and Psychometric Characteristics
- O*NET® Interest Profiler Manual
A paper-and-pencil version of the O*NET Interest Profiler Short Form, a vocational interest assessment, is available free of charge. Download the instrument and related materials as accessible PDF files.
- Download:
- Interest Profiler (PDF)
- Score Report & Career Worksheet (Standard Version) (PDF) - updated March 2024
- Score Report & Career Worksheet (Career Starter) (PDF) - updated March 2024 - This version is suited for individuals without work experience or those who are just starting their education and training.
- Career Listings (PDF) - updated March 2024
For more information about the Interest Profiler Short Form, see the reports:
- O*NET Interest Profiler Short Form Paper-and-Pencil Version: Evaluation of Self-Scoring and Psychometric Characteristics
- O*NET Interest Profiler Short Form Psychometric Characteristics: Summary
- Linking Client Assessment Profiles to O*NET® Occupational Profiles Within the O*NET Interest Profiler Short Form and Mini Interest Profiler (Mini-IP)
- O*NET® Interest Profiler Manual
A Spanish language version of the O*NET Interest Profiler Short Form, a vocational interest assessment, is available to customers free-of-charge via Mi Próximo Paso. Users receive an accurate, reliable profile of their vocational interests that:
- helps them identify their work-related interests,
- focuses career search activities, and
- enables them to link their vocational interests to O*NET-SOC occupations.
Take the Spanish language
Interest Profiler now
For more information about the Interest Profiler Short Form, see the reports:
- O*NET Interest Profiler Short Form Psychometric Characteristics: Summary
- Linking Client Assessment Profiles to O*NET® Occupational Profiles Within the O*NET Interest Profiler Short Form and Mini Interest Profiler (Mini-IP)
- Examining the Efficacy of Emoji Anchors for the O*NET Interest Profiler Short Form
- O*NET® Interest Profiler Manual
A mobile-friendly version of a vocational interest assessment, the O*NET Mini Interest Profiler (Mini-IP) is available free-of-charge to developers working on a mobile application or within other time-constrained settings. This version contains 30 questions, each describing a work activity. The Interest Profiler Short Form (60 questions) is recommended when possible.
Developers can access the questions and scoring algorithm of the Mini-IP through O*NET Web Services. If you wish to develop new assessments based on the Mini-IP, see the Career Exploration Tools License page.
Note: The National Center for O*NET Development does not offer the Mini-IP directly to career explorers at this time.
For more information about the Mini-IP and the emoji scale, see the reports:
- Development of an O*NET® Mini Interest Profiler (Mini-IP) for Mobile Devices: Psychometric Characteristics
- Examining the Efficacy of Emoji Anchors for the O*NET Interest Profiler Short Form
- Linking Client Assessment Profiles to O*NET® Occupational Profiles Within the O*NET Interest Profiler Short Form and Mini Interest Profiler (Mini-IP)
- O*NET® Interest Profiler Manual
Developer Summary
Integration Options | O*NET IP Short Form 60 questions |
O*NET Mini-IP 30 questions |
Embeddable widget |
English, Spanish
Link to free web version |
English, Spanish
Web service API |
English, Spanish
English, Spanish
Developer licensing and documentation |
Share or Adapt O*NET Career Exploration Tools
Interest Profiler on the Web
As a web-based tool, the Interest Profiler Short Form may be of particular interest to developers of websites or web-enabled applications. We offer three ways of integrating the Interest Profiler Short Form:
- "deep linking" to the Interest Profiler at My Next Move
- adding an IFrame Widget to your site
- providing scores and career suggestions through our web service API
To learn more about any of these options, visit O*NET Web Services.
Developing a Spanish Language Version
The Spanish-language Interest Profiler from Mi Próximo Paso can also be added to your site. An IFrame widget and full web services API is available at O*NET Web Services, allowing the tool to be leveraged in English or Spanish for your audience.
Developing a Mobile-Friendly Version
Learn about the mobile-friendly O*NET Mini Interest Profiler within the Mobile section.