Linking Client Assessment Profiles to O*NET® Occupational Profiles Within the O*NET Interest Profiler Short Form and Mini Interest Profiler (Mini-IP)
- Published:
April 2016
- Authors:
- Summary:
The purpose of this report is to describe how client interest assessment profiles are linked to O*NET-SOC occupational profiles by means of the O*NET Interest Profiler Short Form and O*NET Mini Interest Profiler (Mini-IP), two versions of the O*NET Interest Profiler. The Short Form and Mini-IP were developed to enable clients to quickly and accurately identify their work-related interests and use them to identify careers for exploration. The Mini-IP was specifically developed for use in mobile settings where it is ideal to have an interest measure that can be completed rapidly and easily. Both the Short Form and Mini-IP will greatly benefit career counseling settings where there is limited time for interest assessment and discussion and in employment centers where individuals may have a restricted amount of time for computer work.