Greening of the World of Work: Revisiting Occupational Consequences


December 2011

Retired Initiatives

Erich C. Dierdorff DePaul University and North Carolina State University

Jennifer J. Norton, Christina M. Gregory North Carolina State University

David Rivkin, Phil Lewis National Center for O*NET Development


This report provides a follow-up on the state of the green economy since the original 2009 Greening of the World of Work: Implications for O*NET-SOC and New and Emerging Occupations. Organized into five sections, Section I briefly describes the 2009 report, discussing the contributions of the occupational greening concept to the world of work and the adoption of the concept into numerous O*NET products and tools. Section II summarizes the 12 green sectors and presents substantial changes in green activities and technologies, comparing the occupational implications described in the 2009 report to current occupational implications. Section III discusses key challenges faced by the world of work due to the greening of occupations. Section IV summarizes the review of 24 candidate Green New and Emerging occupations, original identified in the 2009 report, for inclusion in the current O*NET-SOC taxonomy. Finally, Section V summarizes general conclusions on the current state of the green economy.
