Linking Client Assessment Profiles to O*NET Occupational Profiles Within the O*NET Ability Profiler


September 2010

Retired Tools — Abilities

Christina Kroustalis North Carolina State University

Phil Lewis, David Rivkin National Center for O*NET Development


The information contained in this report is based on sections of the report Linking Client Assessment Profiles to O*NET Occupational Profiles (1999). The report describes the procedures used to compare and match a client's assessment profiles obtained from one or more of the O*NET Career Exploration Tools to O*NET-SOC occupation profiles. The report describes the corresponding algorithms developed for clients using a single O*NET tool and for clients using multiple tools. In order to link individuals' scores to O*NET-SOC occupations within O*NET Ability Profiler, the previous linkage methodology has been revised to work effectively using updated O*NET occupational data.
