Job Zones
Purpose: | Provide a mapping of O*NET-SOC occupations to Job Zone ratings. |
Download: | Job Zones.txt |
Structure and Description:
Column | Type | Column Content |
O*NET-SOC Code | Character(10) | O*NET-SOC Code (see Occupation Data) |
Job Zone | Integer(1) | Job Zone number (see Job Zone Reference) |
Date | Character(7) | Date when data was updated |
Domain Source | Character Varying(30) | Source of the data |
This file contains each O*NET-SOC code and its corresponding Job Zone number.
The file is displayed in four tab delimited fields with the columns named O*NET-SOC Code, Job Zone, Date, and Domain Source. The four fields are represented by one row. There are a total of 923 rows of data in this file.
For more information, see:
File Structure Changes:
Release Number | Description of Change |
5.0 | No structure changes |
5.1 | Date and Domain Source columns added |
6.0 - 29.2 | No structure changes |
Data Example - Job Zones:
O*NET-SOC Code | Job Zone | Date | Domain Source |
17-3026.01 | 4 | 11/2024 | Analyst |
19-4051.00 | 3 | 11/2024 | Analyst |
13-1041.00 | 4 | 11/2024 | Analyst |
17-3031.00 | 3 | 11/2024 | Analyst |
43-4041.00 | 2 | 11/2024 | Analyst |
11-9013.00 | 4 | 11/2024 | Analyst |