Work Context

Purpose:Provide a mapping of O*NET-SOC codes (occupations) to Work Context ratings.
Download: Work Context.xlsx
Structure and Description:
ColumnTypeColumn Content
O*NET-SOC CodeCharacter(10)O*NET-SOC Code (see Occupation Data)
TitleCharacter Varying(150)O*NET-SOC Title (see Occupation Data)
Element IDCharacter Varying(20)Content Model Outline Position (see Content Model Reference)
Element NameCharacter Varying(150)Content Model Element Name (see Content Model Reference)
Scale IDCharacter Varying(3)Scale ID (see Scales Reference)
Scale NameCharacter Varying(50)Scale Name (see Scales Reference)
CategoryInteger(3)Percent frequency category (see Work Context Categories)
Data ValueFloat(5,2)Rating associated with the O*NET-SOC occupation

This file contains the Content Model Work Context data associated with each O*NET-SOC occupation. It is displayed in 16 tab delimited fields and identified using the column names provided above. Item rating level metadata is provided in columns named N, Standard Error, Lower CI Bound, Upper CI Bound, Recommend Suppress, Not Relevant, Date, and Domain Source. Refer to Appendix 2, Item Rating Level Statistics - Incumbent for additional information on these items. The 16 fields are represented by one row. There are a total of 291,201 rows of data in this file.

The column named Data Value provides both the mean rating (indicated by the value CX in the Scale ID column) and the percent of respondents endorsing each category (indicated by CXP in the Scale ID column).
File Structure Changes:
Release NumberDescription of Change
5.0Date and Source columns added
5.1Columns added for N, Standard Error, Lower CI Bound, Upper CI Bound, Recommend Suppress, and Not Relevant
6.0 - 28.1No structure changes
28.2Standard Error, Lower CI Bound, Upper CI Bound expanded from 2 decimal places to 4
28.3 - 29.2No structure changes

Data Example - Work Context:
O*NET-SOC CodeTitleElement IDElement NameScale IDScale NameCategoryData ValueNStandard ErrorLower CI BoundUpper CI BoundRecommend SuppressNot RelevantDateDomain Source
51-8013.00Power Plant Operators4.C.3.d.8Duration of Typical Work WeekCTContext 2.78180.08882.59142.9660N 08/2024Incumbent
51-8013.00Power Plant Operators4.C.3.d.8Duration of Typical Work WeekCTPContext (Categories 1-3)10.00180.0000  N 08/2024Incumbent
51-8013.00Power Plant Operators4.C.3.d.8Duration of Typical Work WeekCTPContext (Categories 1-3)222.13188.87708.748445.7296N 08/2024Incumbent
51-8013.00Power Plant Operators4.C.3.d.8Duration of Typical Work WeekCTPContext (Categories 1-3)377.87188.877054.270491.2516N 08/2024Incumbent