Occupation Level Metadata

Purpose:Provide O*NET-SOC Occupational Level Metadata associated with the incumbent data collection.
Table Name:occupation_level_metadata
Structure and Description:
ColumnTypeColumn Content
onetsoc_codeCharacter(10)O*NET-SOC Code (see Occupation Data)

This file contains occupational level metadata variables associated with data collection statistics. Refer to Appendix 3, Key to Occupation Level Metadata for additional descriptions of the data provided in this file.

The file is displayed in six tab delimited fields with the columns named O*NET-SOC Code, Item, Response, N, Percent, and Date. The six fields are represented by one row. There are a total of 31,776 rows of data in this file.

File Structure Changes:
Release NumberDescription of Change
5.1Added as a new file
6.0 - 20.3No structure changes
21.0Items added and renamed; see Appendix 3, Key to Occupation Level Metadata
21.1 - 29.0No structure changes

Data Example - occupation_level_metadata:
19-1022.00Data Collection ModePaper220.02024-08-01
19-1022.00Data Collection ModeWeb22100.02024-08-01
19-1022.00How Much Experience Performing Work in this Occupation1-2 Years220.02024-08-01
19-1022.00How Much Experience Performing Work in this Occupation10+ Years2272.72024-08-01
19-1022.00How Much Experience Performing Work in this Occupation3-4 Years229.12024-08-01
19-1022.00How Much Experience Performing Work in this Occupation5-9 Years2218.22024-08-01
19-1022.00How Much Experience Performing Work in this Occupation<1 Year220.02024-08-01
19-1022.00How Much Experience Performing Work in this OccupationMissing220.02024-08-01
19-1022.00How Much Experience Performing Work in this OccupationNever performed work in the occupation220.02024-08-01
19-1022.00OE Completeness RateNULLNULL91.72024-08-01
19-1022.00OE Response RateNULLNULL60.02024-08-01
19-1022.00Total Completed QuestionnairesNULL22NULL2024-08-01
19-1023.00Data Collection ModePaper6111.52023-08-01
19-1023.00Data Collection ModeWeb6188.52023-08-01
19-1023.00Employee Completeness RateNULLNULL92.42023-08-01
19-1023.00Employee Response RateNULLNULL55.92023-08-01