Occupation Data

Purpose:Provide O*NET-SOC codes, titles, and descriptions.
Table Name:occupation_data
Structure and Description:
ColumnTypeColumn Content
onetsoc_codeCharacter(10)O*NET-SOC Code
titleCharacter Varying(150)O*NET-SOC Title
descriptionCharacter Varying(1000)O*NET-SOC Description

This file contains each O*NET-SOC code, occupational title, and definition/description.

The file is displayed in three tab delimited fields with the columns named O*NET-SOC Code, Title, and Description. The three fields are represented by one row. There are a total of 1,016 rows of data in this file.

For more information, see:

File Structure Changes:
Release NumberDescription of Change
5.0 - 28.3No structure changes

Data Example - occupation_data:
11-9041.01Biofuels/Biodiesel Technology and Product Development ManagersDefine, plan, or execute biofuels/biodiesel research programs that evaluate alternative feedstock and process technologies with near-term commercial potential.
17-2072.00Electronics Engineers, Except ComputerResearch, design, develop, or test electronic components and systems for commercial, industrial, military, or scientific use employing knowledge of electronic theory and materials properties. Design electronic circuits and components for use in fields such as telecommunications, aerospace guidance and propulsion control, acoustics, or instruments and controls.
19-4031.00Chemical TechniciansConduct chemical and physical laboratory tests to assist scientists in making qualitative and quantitative analyses of solids, liquids, and gaseous materials for research and development of new products or processes, quality control, maintenance of environmental standards, and other work involving experimental, theoretical, or practical application of chemistry and related sciences.
45-4011.00Forest and Conservation WorkersUnder supervision, perform manual labor necessary to develop, maintain, or protect areas such as forests, forested areas, woodlands, wetlands, and rangelands through such activities as raising and transporting seedlings; combating insects, pests, and diseases harmful to plant life; and building structures to control water, erosion, and leaching of soil. Includes forester aides, seedling pullers, tree planters, and gatherers of nontimber forestry products such as pine straw.
51-8012.00Power Distributors and DispatchersCoordinate, regulate, or distribute electricity or steam.