Task Ratings

Purpose:Provide a mapping of O*NET-SOC codes (occupations) to the ratings for tasks associated with the occupation.
Table Name:task_ratings
Structure and Description:
ColumnTypeColumn Content
onetsoc_codeCharacter(10)O*NET-SOC Code (see Occupation Data)
task_idDecimal(8,0)Identifies each task (see Task Statements)
scale_idCharacter Varying(3)Scale ID (see Scales Reference)
categoryDecimal(3,0)Percent frequency category (see Task Categories)
data_valueDecimal(5,2)Rating associated with the O*NET-SOC occupation

This file contains the task ratings associated with each O*NET-SOC occupation. It is displayed in 12 tab delimited fields and identified using the column names provided above. Item rating level metadata is provided in columns named n, standard_error, lower_ci_bound, upper_ci_bound, recommend_suppress, date_updated, and domain_source. Refer to Appendix 2, Item Rating Level Statistics - Incumbent for additional information on these items. The 12 fields are represented by one row. There are a total of 174,483 rows of data in this file.

File Structure Changes:
Release NumberDescription of Change
13.0Added as a new file
14.0 - 23.1No structure changes

Data Example - task_ratings:
15-1143.0018971FT19.0922NULLNULLNULLNULL2018-08-01Occupational Expert
15-1143.0018971FT231.8222NULLNULLNULLNULL2018-08-01Occupational Expert
15-1143.0018971FT322.7322NULLNULLNULLNULL2018-08-01Occupational Expert
15-1143.0018971FT422.7322NULLNULLNULLNULL2018-08-01Occupational Expert
15-1143.0018971FT59.0922NULLNULLNULLNULL2018-08-01Occupational Expert
15-1143.0018971FT64.5522NULLNULLNULLNULL2018-08-01Occupational Expert
15-1143.0018971FT70.0022NULLNULLNULLNULL2018-08-01Occupational Expert
15-1143.0018971IMNULL4.5022NULLNULLNULLNULL2018-08-01Occupational Expert
15-1143.0018971RTNULL100.0022NULLNULLNULLNULL2018-08-01Occupational Expert