O*NET-SOC Code Task Category Original Task ID Original Task Date Domain Source 11-3013.00 Plan, create, and manage budgets for contracts, equipment, and supplies. Revision 21280 Plan, administer, and control budgets for contracts, equipment, and supplies. 08/2024 Incumbent 11-3013.00 Review and approve payroll for employees. New n/a n/a 08/2024 Incumbent 11-3051.02 Conduct employee safety training. New n/a n/a 07/2011 Incumbent 11-3051.06 Train employees in power plant operations. New n/a n/a 07/2016 Incumbent 11-3131.00 Confer with management or stakeholders and conduct surveys to identify training needs based on projected production processes, changes, and other factors. Revision 1012 Confer with management and conduct surveys to identify training needs based on projected production processes, changes, and other factors. 08/2024 Occupational Expert 11-3131.00 Evaluate instructor performance and the effectiveness of training programs, providing data and recommendations for improvement. Revision 1009 Evaluate instructor performance and the effectiveness of training programs, providing recommendations for improvement. 08/2024 Occupational Expert 11-3131.00 Train instructors, supervisors, and other leaders in techniques and skills for training and interacting with employees. Revision 1017 Train instructors and supervisors in techniques and skills for training and dealing with employees. 08/2024 Occupational Expert 11-9071.00 Monitor the performance of the gaming floor, relocating games and installing new games as necessary. New n/a n/a 08/2023 Incumbent 11-9199.01 Develop and review regulatory strategies, development plans, and implementation plans for the preparation and submission of new products. Revision 18026 Develop regulatory strategies and implementation plans for the preparation and submission of new products. 08/2024 Occupational Expert 13-1032.00 Contact vendors to locate replacement parts for vehicles. New n/a n/a 07/2016 Incumbent 13-1032.00 Discuss insurance claims with customers or damage claimants. New n/a n/a 07/2016 Incumbent 13-1032.00 Review repair cost estimates and negotiate with automobile repair shops to secure agreement on cost of repairs. Revision 7247 Review repair cost estimates with automobile repair shop to secure agreement on cost of repairs. 07/2016 Incumbent 13-1041.03 Develop guidelines for nondiscriminatory employment practices, such as affirmative action plans and equal opportunity employment policies. Revision 20722 Develop guidelines for nondiscriminatory employment practices. 07/2015 Incumbent 13-1041.03 Train employees on equal opportunity laws, guidelines, or policies, such as discrimination, diversity, harassment, or affirmative action. New n/a n/a 07/2015 Incumbent 13-1041.06 Complete or review death certificates, including the assignment of cause and manner of death. Revision 8915 Complete death certificates, including the assignment of cause and manner of death. 08/2024 Occupational Expert 13-1041.06 Observe and record the positions and conditions of bodies and related evidence at the scene, through documentation or photographs. Revision 8916 Observe and record the positions and conditions of bodies and related evidence. 08/2024 Occupational Expert 13-1041.07 Develop regulatory strategies for products. New n/a n/a 08/2019 Occupational Expert 13-1121.00 Contact potential clients, meet with professional and trade associations, and produce brochures and other publications to promote conference, convention, and trade show services. Revision 1228 Promote conference, convention and trades show services by performing tasks such as meeting with professional and trade associations, and producing brochures and other publications. 07/2016 Incumbent 13-1121.00 Plan and develop programs, agendas, budgets, menus, and services according to customer requirements. Revision 1213 Plan and develop programs, agendas, budgets, and services according to customer requirements. 07/2016 Incumbent 13-1199.05 Deliver sustainability training to employees. New n/a n/a 08/2020 Occupational Expert 13-2031.00 Communicate financial reports and budgets to stakeholders. New n/a n/a 08/2024 Incumbent 13-2031.00 Submit and monitor salary raises. New n/a n/a 08/2024 Incumbent 13-2053.00 Answer agents' questions about insurance coverage. New n/a n/a 08/2018 Occupational Expert 15-1211.00 Write code to perform desired actions. New n/a n/a 08/2023 Incumbent 15-2011.00 Analyze data to determine premium rates required and cash reserves and liabilities necessary to ensure payment of future benefits. Revision 3500 Ascertain premium rates required and cash reserves and liabilities necessary to ensure payment of future benefits. 08/2023 Occupational Expert 15-2021.00 Mentor others on mathematical techniques. New n/a n/a 08/2021 Occupational Expert 17-1011.00 Inspect the condition of structures. New n/a n/a 08/2021 Occupational Expert 17-1021.00 Estimate resources, such as production hours, required for projects. New n/a n/a 08/2018 Incumbent 17-2011.00 Develop software for aerospace systems. New n/a n/a 07/2015 Incumbent 17-2021.00 Communicate results in peer-reviewed research articles or at workshops or conferences. New n/a n/a 08/2024 Occupational Expert 17-2041.00 Develop computer models of chemical processes. New n/a n/a 07/2017 Occupational Expert 17-2111.02 Review building plans to verify compliance with fire code. New n/a n/a 08/2021 Occupational Expert 17-2112.01 Assess systems to identify and quantify risk factors. New n/a n/a 08/2024 Occupational Expert 17-2141.00 Investigate equipment failures or diagnose faulty operations and recommend or perform remedial actions. Revision 20734 Investigate equipment failures or difficulties to diagnose faulty operation and recommend remedial actions. 08/2024 Incumbent 17-2161.00 Recommend preventive measures to be taken in handling nuclear technology based on data obtained from operations monitoring, systematic analysis, or evaluation of test results. Revision 5386 Recommend preventive measures to be taken in the handling of nuclear technology, based on data obtained from operations monitoring or from evaluation of test results. 08/2024 Occupational Expert 17-2199.10 Analyze meteorological data. New n/a n/a 07/2012 Incumbent 17-2199.10 Design electrical interconnections. New n/a n/a 07/2012 Incumbent 17-2199.10 Design wind turbine components. New n/a n/a 07/2012 Incumbent 17-2199.10 Estimate energy production by analyzing wind data. New n/a n/a 07/2012 Incumbent 17-3013.00 Create bills of materials. New n/a n/a 07/2017 Incumbent 19-1021.00 Analyze biochemical or biophysical data. New n/a n/a 08/2020 Occupational Expert 19-1022.00 Perform tests on water, food, and the environment to detect harmful microorganisms or to obtain information about sources of pollution, contamination, or infection and interpret the results. Revision 15213 Monitor and perform tests on water, food, and the environment to detect harmful microorganisms or to obtain information about sources of pollution, contamination, or infection. 08/2024 Occupational Expert 19-1031.02 Apply herbicide to eliminate harmful plants. New n/a n/a 08/2020 Incumbent 19-1031.03 Train staff and volunteers on park programs. Revision 23959 Train staff on park programs. 08/2023 Incumbent 19-1041.00 Teach epidemiology to students in public health programs. New n/a n/a 08/2023 Occupational Expert 19-2011.00 Write and review scientific proposals and research papers. Revision 20049 Review scientific proposals and research papers. 08/2024 Occupational Expert 19-2012.00 Perform peer reviews of scientific papers. New n/a n/a 08/2020 Incumbent 19-2032.00 Research or design methods of processing, forming, and firing materials to develop products, such as ceramic dental fillings, unbreakable dinner plates, and telescope lenses. Revision 9094 Research methods of processing, forming, and firing materials to develop such products as ceramic dental fillings, unbreakable dinner plates, and telescope lenses. 08/2024 Occupational Expert 19-2032.00 Review and select materials for products to meet product design and cost requirements. New n/a n/a 08/2024 Occupational Expert 19-2041.03 Conduct life cycle assessments of products. New n/a n/a 08/2021 Occupational Expert 19-2043.00 Prepare reports or presentations describing research results, using illustrations, maps, appendices, and other information. Revision 18618 Prepare written and oral reports describing research results, using illustrations, maps, appendices, and other information. 08/2018 Occupational Expert 19-3011.00 Construct and manage economic datasets. New n/a n/a 08/2024 Occupational Expert 19-3011.00 Present research at seminars and conferences. New n/a n/a 08/2024 Occupational Expert 19-3011.00 Review documents written by others, such as referee reports. Revision 23988 Review documents written by others. 08/2024 Occupational Expert 19-3032.00 Develop and administer surveys to employees of organizations. New n/a n/a 08/2023 Occupational Expert 19-3032.00 Teach industrial-organizational psychology courses to undergraduate or graduate students. New n/a n/a 08/2023 Occupational Expert 19-3039.03 Provide feedback to patients and their families on the results of neuropsychological evaluations and recommendations. New n/a n/a 08/2024 Occupational Expert 19-3041.00 Mentor sociology students. New n/a n/a 08/2023 Occupational Expert 19-3041.00 Review sociological research and articles. New n/a n/a 08/2023 Occupational Expert 19-3091.00 Write, present, and publish research findings for a variety of specialized and general audiences. Revision 22234 Write about and present research findings for a variety of specialized and general audiences. 08/2024 Occupational Expert 19-4051.02 Calibrate, maintain, and repair chemical instrumentation sensing elements and sampling system equipment, using calibration instruments and hand tools. Revision 7608 Calibrate and maintain chemical instrumentation sensing elements and sampling system equipment, using calibration instruments and hand tools. 07/2014 Incumbent 19-4051.02 Document results from radiation and contamination surveys. New n/a n/a 07/2014 Incumbent 19-4051.02 Inspect, test, and maintain respiratory protection equipment. New n/a n/a 07/2014 Incumbent 19-4051.02 Write radiological work permits. New n/a n/a 07/2014 Incumbent 19-4061.00 Write grant proposals. New n/a n/a 08/2019 Incumbent 19-4071.00 Develop contracts related to operations. New n/a n/a 08/2018 Incumbent 19-4071.00 Monitor environmental conditions such as temperature or humidity. New n/a n/a 08/2018 Incumbent 19-4071.00 Write reports on forestry or conservation activities. New n/a n/a 08/2018 Incumbent 19-4092.00 Enter data into databases. New n/a n/a 08/2023 Incumbent 21-1013.00 Diagnose mental and emotional disorders in clients. New n/a n/a 08/2020 Incumbent 21-1022.00 Conduct psychological assessment of clients. New n/a n/a 08/2021 Occupational Expert 21-1093.00 Teach parenting techniques to family members. New n/a n/a 08/2020 Incumbent 23-1023.00 Issue search or arrest warrants. Revision 21182 Issue arrest warrants. 08/2020 Incumbent 23-2011.00 Manage attorneys' calendars and schedule meetings. New n/a n/a 08/2024 Incumbent 23-2011.00 Request, review, and summarize relevant records for the cases. New n/a n/a 08/2024 Incumbent 25-1022.00 Hire adjunct faculty. New n/a n/a 08/2019 Incumbent 25-1042.00 Write letters of recommendation for students. New n/a n/a 08/2019 Incumbent 25-1043.00 Monitor research program budgets. New n/a n/a 08/2020 Incumbent 25-1051.00 Prepare and deliver lectures to undergraduate or graduate students on topics such as structural geology, micrometeorology, atmospheric thermodynamics, and physics. Revision 5849 Prepare and deliver lectures to undergraduate or graduate students on topics such as structural geology, micrometeorology, and atmospheric thermodynamics. 08/2019 Incumbent 25-1054.00 Review articles to determine their suitability for publication. New n/a n/a 08/2019 Incumbent 25-1061.00 Hire new faculty. New n/a n/a 08/2019 Incumbent 25-1066.00 Mentor other faculty members. New n/a n/a 08/2019 Incumbent 25-1067.00 Give presentations to community groups. New n/a n/a 08/2019 Incumbent 25-1067.00 Review manuscripts. New n/a n/a 08/2019 Incumbent 25-1067.00 Write letters of recommendation for students. New n/a n/a 08/2019 Incumbent 25-1081.00 Deliver presentations at professional conferences. New n/a n/a 08/2019 Incumbent 25-1082.00 Serve as a mentor. New n/a n/a 08/2019 Incumbent 25-1121.00 Direct theater productions. New n/a n/a 08/2019 Incumbent 25-1121.00 Mentor students. New n/a n/a 08/2019 Incumbent 25-1125.00 Evaluate faculty members. New n/a n/a 08/2019 Incumbent 25-1193.00 Monitor department budgets. New n/a n/a 08/2019 Incumbent 25-2059.01 Discuss with education professionals the physical abilities or disabilities of students and the accommodations required to enhance their school performance. Revision 17015 Advise education professionals of students' physical abilities or disabilities and the accommodations required to enhance their school performance. 08/2020 Occupational Expert 25-4011.00 Write grants and apply for funding to support archival work. New n/a n/a 08/2024 Occupational Expert 25-4031.00 Open and close the library. New n/a n/a 07/2017 Incumbent 25-9044.00 Correspond with students through email to address their questions and concerns. New n/a n/a 07/2016 Incumbent 27-1012.00 Pack products for shipping. New n/a n/a 07/2016 Occupational Expert 27-1025.00 Review contractor bids to subcontract fabrication, installation, and arrangement of carpeting, fixtures, accessories, draperies, paint and wall coverings, art work, furniture, and related items. Revision 1739 Subcontract fabrication, installation, and arrangement of carpeting, fixtures, accessories, draperies, paint and wall coverings, art work, furniture, and related items. 08/2024 Occupational Expert 27-2032.00 Plan and direct rehearsals to instruct dancers in dance steps and in techniques to achieve desired effects. Revision 11028 Direct rehearsals to instruct dancers in dance steps and in techniques to achieve desired effects. 08/2024 Occupational Expert 27-3041.00 Respond to questions from the public. New n/a n/a 07/2017 Incumbent 27-3041.00 Write text, such as headlines, stories, articles, editorials, or newsletters. Revision 21000 Write text, such as stories, articles, editorials, or newsletters. 07/2017 Incumbent 27-3092.00 File exhibits. New n/a n/a 08/2020 Incumbent 27-3092.00 Perform secretarial tasks for the court. New n/a n/a 08/2020 Incumbent 27-3092.00 Swear in witnesses. New n/a n/a 08/2020 Incumbent 27-4011.00 Purchase audio or video equipment. New n/a n/a 08/2018 Incumbent 27-4012.00 Develop budgets. New n/a n/a 08/2019 Incumbent 27-4021.00 Engage in research to learn technological developments and techniques or to develop new photographic procedures and materials. Revision 9363 Engage in research to develop new photographic procedures and materials. 08/2021 Occupational Expert 27-4032.00 Write scripts. New n/a n/a 08/2020 Incumbent 29-1011.00 Provide guidance to patients on exercises they can perform to improve mobility. New n/a n/a 07/2013 Incumbent 29-1011.00 Take x-rays. New n/a n/a 07/2013 Incumbent 29-1022.00 Evaluate and treat problems related to the temperomandibular joint (TMJ). New n/a n/a 07/2012 Incumbent 29-1024.00 Consult with patients about treatment options. New n/a n/a 08/2024 Incumbent 29-1024.00 Create treatment plans for patients. New n/a n/a 08/2024 Incumbent 29-1071.00 Refer patients to other healthcare providers. New n/a n/a 08/2021 Occupational Expert 29-1122.00 Recommend adaptive equipment to individuals to increase independence in daily living activities. New n/a n/a 08/2021 Occupational Expert 29-1126.00 Attend high-risk and caesarian section infant deliveries to provide neonatal respiratory care as needed. New n/a n/a 07/2013 Incumbent 29-1141.02 Mentor nursing students. New n/a n/a 08/2023 Occupational Expert 29-1161.00 Evaluate mental health of patients. New n/a n/a 08/2021 Occupational Expert 29-1161.00 Screen patients for gynecologic conditions such as infections. New n/a n/a 08/2021 Occupational Expert 29-1211.00 Place invasive intravascular monitors into patients. New n/a n/a 07/2012 Incumbent 29-1211.00 Teach anesthesiology principles to residents. New n/a n/a 07/2012 Incumbent 29-1223.00 Perform mental health evaluations to provide information to courts of law on patients' mental states. New n/a n/a 07/2014 Incumbent 29-2011.04 Cut sections of body tissues for microscopic examination, using microtomes or cryostats. Revision 22780 Cut sections of body tissues for microscopic examination, using microtomes. 08/2024 Occupational Expert 29-2011.04 Select and maintain controls for stains. New n/a n/a 08/2024 Occupational Expert 29-2012.00 Perform quality control analyses to ensure accuracy of test results. New n/a n/a 07/2014 Incumbent 29-2031.00 Perform general administrative tasks, such as answering telephones, scheduling appointments, or ordering supplies or equipment. Revision 15234 Perform general administrative tasks, such as scheduling appointments or ordering supplies or equipment. 07/2014 Incumbent 29-2033.00 Schedule patients for nuclear medicine exams and procedures. New n/a n/a 07/2013 Incumbent 29-2055.00 Schedule surgical procedures for patients. New n/a n/a 07/2013 Incumbent 29-2055.00 Transport patients to and from the operating room. New n/a n/a 07/2013 Incumbent 29-2057.00 Order supplies. New n/a n/a 08/2020 Occupational Expert 29-2057.00 Perform examinations using ophthalmic equipment, such as autorefractors, phoropters, tomographs, or retinoscopes. Revision 19250 Operate ophthalmic equipment, such as autorefractors, phoropters, tomographs, or retinoscopes. 08/2020 Occupational Expert 29-9091.00 Develop emergency action plans for sports facilities. New n/a n/a 08/2021 Incumbent 29-9099.01 Test patients for sexually transmitted infections. New n/a n/a 08/2021 Incumbent 31-1121.00 Assist patients with toileting and incontinent care. New n/a n/a 07/2014 Incumbent 31-1121.00 Feed patients. New n/a n/a 07/2014 Incumbent 31-1122.00 Administer bedside or personal care, such as assistance with ambulation, dressing, feeding, or personal hygiene. Revision 2370 Administer bedside or personal care, such as ambulation or personal hygiene assistance. 08/2023 Incumbent 31-2012.00 Sanitize equipment. New n/a n/a 08/2020 Incumbent 31-9093.00 Order medical supplies for healthcare facilities or laboratories. New n/a n/a 07/2014 Incumbent 31-9097.00 Confirm the identities of patients by verifying their personal information. New n/a n/a 08/2019 Occupational Expert 33-1012.00 Read and review subordinates' reports to ensure legal standards are met and there are no mistakes. New n/a n/a 08/2024 Incumbent 33-3012.00 Conduct security checks of the premises. New n/a n/a 08/2023 Incumbent 33-3021.02 Take fingerprints. New n/a n/a 08/2018 Incumbent 33-3021.06 Make recommendations for investigations and subpoenas. New n/a n/a 08/2024 Occupational Expert 33-3041.00 Perform traffic control duties such as setting up barricades and temporary signs, placing bags on parking meters to limit their use, or directing traffic or pedestrians. Revision 7949 Perform traffic control duties such as setting up barricades and temporary signs, placing bags on parking meters to limit their use, or directing traffic. 07/2016 Incumbent 33-9021.00 Serve documents to parties named in legal proceedings. New n/a n/a 07/2015 Incumbent 35-2011.00 Take out garbage. New n/a n/a 08/2019 Incumbent 35-2021.00 Check and log refrigerator, freezer, and cooler temperatures. New n/a n/a 08/2024 Incumbent 35-3011.00 Provide customers with directions or answers to questions. New n/a n/a 07/2017 Incumbent 35-9011.00 Prepare food, such as sandwiches, for customers. New n/a n/a 08/2021 Incumbent 37-1012.00 Repair irrigation systems. New n/a n/a 08/2021 Incumbent 37-3011.00 Move furniture. New n/a n/a 07/2015 Incumbent 37-3012.00 Establish driving routes for pesticide applications. New n/a n/a 07/2015 Incumbent 37-3012.00 Record information about pesticide applications, such as the type used and amount applied. New n/a n/a 07/2015 Incumbent 39-2011.00 Teach owners how to train their dogs. New n/a n/a 07/2014 Incumbent 39-2011.00 Teach people with visual impairments to use guide dogs. New n/a n/a 07/2014 Incumbent 39-2021.00 Scuba dive in aquariums to perform exhibit maintenance. New n/a n/a 08/2019 Incumbent 39-2021.00 Train volunteers and facility staff. New n/a n/a 08/2019 Incumbent 39-3012.00 Provide race or game information to patrons. New n/a n/a 07/2014 Incumbent 39-3012.00 Serve drinks to patrons. New n/a n/a 07/2014 Incumbent 39-3021.00 Download digital keys to unlock digital movie files. New n/a n/a 08/2020 Incumbent 39-3021.00 Ingest digital content, such as films, advertisements, or trailers, into servers or projectors. New n/a n/a 08/2020 Incumbent 39-3092.00 Create patterns for costumes based on designer's drawings. New n/a n/a 07/2016 Incumbent 39-3092.00 Schedule costume fittings for actors. New n/a n/a 07/2016 Incumbent 39-3093.00 Maintain or repair athletic equipment. New n/a n/a 07/2011 Incumbent 39-5091.00 Clean supplies such as makeup brushes. New n/a n/a 08/2018 Occupational Expert 39-5093.00 Assist hair stylists with chemical services, such as neutralizing perms and applying hair color. New n/a n/a 06/2008 Incumbent 39-5093.00 Launder and fold the towels that are used for drying customers' hair. New n/a n/a 06/2008 Incumbent 39-5093.00 Refill and stock work stations with supplies, such as shampoos and conditioners. New n/a n/a 06/2008 Incumbent 39-5093.00 Rinse out hair color or permanent solutions from customers' hair. New n/a n/a 06/2008 Incumbent 39-5093.00 Sweep hair from the salon floor. New n/a n/a 06/2008 Incumbent 39-6012.00 Assist guests with special needs by providing equipment such as wheelchairs. New n/a n/a 08/2020 Occupational Expert 39-6012.00 Book airline or train tickets, reserve rental cars, or arrange shuttle service for guests. New n/a n/a 08/2020 Occupational Expert 39-9041.00 Advise student organizations. New n/a n/a 08/2019 Incumbent 41-4011.07 Log client information and sales leads into tracking documents or software. New n/a n/a 08/2024 Incumbent 41-9091.00 Contact customers to ensure their satisfaction with products or services. New n/a n/a 08/2018 Occupational Expert 41-9091.00 Train new recruits or other employees. New n/a n/a 08/2018 Occupational Expert 43-4121.00 Hire library staff such as student assistants. New n/a n/a 08/2018 Incumbent 43-4171.00 Enter and update databases of contact information, such as names, addresses, and phone numbers. New n/a n/a 08/2023 Incumbent 43-5041.00 Dig dirt away from meters to take readings. New n/a n/a 07/2016 Incumbent 43-5041.00 Install new or replace broken meters. New n/a n/a 07/2016 Incumbent 43-5051.00 Stock lobby with retail merchandise. New n/a n/a 07/2016 Incumbent 43-6011.00 Keep track of employees' time. New n/a n/a 07/2017 Incumbent 43-9081.00 Check the facts of stories using the internet. New n/a n/a 07/2016 Incumbent 43-9081.00 Design page layouts using text, photographs, graphics, and other elements. New n/a n/a 07/2016 Incumbent 43-9111.00 Present results of statistical analyses to stakeholders. New n/a n/a 07/2015 Incumbent 43-9111.00 Write code for statistical applications. New n/a n/a 07/2015 Incumbent 45-4011.00 Create field maps using geographic information systems technology. New n/a n/a 08/2023 Incumbent 45-4023.00 Move logs using heavy equipment such as log loaders. New n/a n/a 07/2017 Incumbent 47-2011.00 Conduct pressure tests on vessels, such as boilers. New n/a n/a 07/2015 Incumbent 47-2041.00 Cut and install vinyl composition tile or vinyl base. New n/a n/a 07/2011 Incumbent 47-2141.00 Clean tools and equipment, such as brushes and rollers. New n/a n/a 07/2014 Incumbent 47-2141.00 Hang wallpaper. New n/a n/a 07/2014 Incumbent 47-2171.00 Unload rebar from trucks. New n/a n/a 07/2015 Incumbent 47-2171.00 Use forklifts or cranes to move construction material, such as rebar. New n/a n/a 07/2015 Incumbent 47-2221.00 Assemble or inspect hoisting equipment or rigging, such as cables, pulleys, or hooks, to move heavy equipment or materials. Revision 11554 Assemble hoisting equipment or rigging, such as cables, pulleys, or hooks, to move heavy equipment or materials. 07/2015 Incumbent 47-2221.00 Lift steel beams, girders, or columns using cranes or forklifts, or by signaling hoisting equipment operators to lift or position structural steel members. Revision 20795 Hoist steel beams, girders, or columns into place, using cranes or signaling hoisting equipment operators to lift and position structural steel members. 07/2015 Incumbent 47-3012.00 Cut or weld metal. New n/a n/a 07/2013 Incumbent 47-4011.00 Inspect structures to determine cause and origin of damage. New n/a n/a 08/2024 Occupational Expert 47-4011.01 Evaluate the energy performance of buildings using modeling software. New n/a n/a 08/2022 Occupational Expert 47-4071.00 Pump, clean, and repair septic tanks, sewer lines, or related structures such as manholes, culverts, and catch basins. Revision 11610 Clean and repair septic tanks, sewer lines, or related structures such as manholes, culverts, and catch basins. 07/2017 Incumbent 47-5013.00 Maintain and perform safety inspections on rigs, equipment, and other tools. Revision 20451 Maintain and perform safety inspections on equipment and tools. 07/2013 Incumbent 47-5043.00 Check roof or ribs for hazardous conditions. New n/a n/a 07/2017 Incumbent 47-5043.00 Clean equipment, such as dust collectors. New n/a n/a 07/2017 Incumbent 49-2095.00 Calibrate instruments, such as transmitters. New n/a n/a 07/2017 Incumbent 49-3051.00 Explain repair procedures to customers. New n/a n/a 07/2015 Incumbent 49-3051.00 Repair or replace engine mechanical equipment, such as power tilts, water pumps, bilge pumps, or power take-offs. Revision 13770 Repair engine mechanical equipment, such as power tilts, bilge pumps, or power take-offs. 07/2015 Incumbent 49-3052.00 Diagnose electrical problems. New n/a n/a 08/2021 Incumbent 49-3091.00 Estimate costs of repairing bicycles and write service tickets. New n/a n/a 07/2016 Incumbent 49-3091.00 Make adjustments to bicycles to improve customer fit and riding position. New n/a n/a 07/2016 Incumbent 49-9043.00 Troubleshoot electrical, hydraulic, or mechanical equipment and machines. New n/a n/a 08/2024 Incumbent 49-9044.00 Inventory and store parts, tools, and equipment. New n/a n/a 08/2024 Occupational Expert 49-9045.00 Reline furnaces using ramming material. New n/a n/a 06/2007 Incumbent 49-9052.00 Set up service for customers, installing, connecting, testing, or adjusting equipment, such as digital subscriber line modems. Revision 11850 Set up service for customers, installing, connecting, testing, or adjusting equipment. 07/2015 Incumbent 49-9061.00 Adjust or repair cameras, photographic mechanisms, or equipment such as range and view finders, shutters, light meters, or lens systems, using hand tools. Revision 8437 Adjust cameras, photographic mechanisms, or equipment such as range and view finders, shutters, light meters, or lens systems, using hand tools. 07/2015 Incumbent 51-2041.00 Troubleshoot and repair electrical or mechanical equipment. New n/a n/a 08/2024 Incumbent 51-3021.00 Clean and sanitize meat cases and cutting equipment. New n/a n/a 07/2016 Incumbent 51-3022.00 Clean meat cutting equipment. New n/a n/a 07/2017 Incumbent 51-4031.00 Use equipment designed to join sheet metal, such as spot welders. New n/a n/a 07/2015 Incumbent 51-4111.00 Troubleshoot malfunctions in manufacturing equipment. New n/a n/a 08/2021 Incumbent 51-5111.00 Correct color in photographs or digital images. New n/a n/a 07/2016 Incumbent 51-6051.00 Patch materials, such as cotton or leather. New n/a n/a 08/2024 Incumbent 51-9011.00 Load products into tanks for shipment. New n/a n/a 07/2015 Incumbent 51-9081.00 Meet with dentists or patients to discuss dental appliances. New n/a n/a 08/2022 Incumbent 51-9081.00 Order parts or materials needed to make dental appliances. New n/a n/a 08/2022 Incumbent 51-9081.00 Scan dental models to create digital files. New n/a n/a 08/2022 Incumbent 51-9081.00 Stain porcelain on dental appliances to match the color of patients' teeth. New n/a n/a 08/2022 Incumbent 51-9082.00 Order parts or supplies for orthotic or prosthetic devices. New n/a n/a 07/2015 Incumbent 51-9083.00 Tint lenses according to customer specifications. New n/a n/a 07/2015 Incumbent 51-9151.00 Adjust digital images using software. New n/a n/a 07/2017 Incumbent 51-9162.00 Order tooling for jobs. New n/a n/a 07/2016 Incumbent 51-9195.05 Apply glazes to pottery pieces, using tools such as spray guns. Revision 21211 Mix and apply glazes to pottery pieces, using tools, such as spray guns. 08/2020 Incumbent 51-9195.05 Decorate pottery using tools such as brushes. New n/a n/a 08/2020 Incumbent 51-9195.05 Load and unload pottery from kilns. New n/a n/a 08/2020 Incumbent 51-9195.05 Mix chemicals according to recipes to create glazes. Revision 21211 Mix and apply glazes to pottery pieces, using tools, such as spray guns. 08/2020 Incumbent 53-2021.00 Monitor, direct, or sequence the movement of aircraft within an assigned air space or on the ground at airports to minimize delays and maximize safety. Revision 12729 Monitor or direct the movement of aircraft within an assigned air space or on the ground at airports to minimize delays and maximize safety. 07/2014 Incumbent 53-2022.00 Inspect airfield conditions to ensure safety and compliance with federal regulatory requirements. Revision 23939 Inspect airfield conditions to ensure compliance with federal regulatory requirements. 08/2021 Incumbent 53-2022.00 Issue notices to advise flight crews of airfield status. New n/a n/a 08/2021 Incumbent 53-2022.00 Train operations staff on topics such as driving on airfields and security identification display area (SIDA) procedures. Revision 10618 Train operations staff. 08/2021 Incumbent 53-7021.00 Inspect crane site conditions to determine ground stability. New n/a n/a 07/2015 Incumbent 53-7031.00 Perform maintenance on dredge equipment, such as changing engine oil. New n/a n/a 06/2008 Incumbent 53-7062.00 Inspect products for damage or leaks. New n/a n/a 08/2024 Incumbent